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Sequencing Order: News, Sports, Weather, Comedy Skits, extra footage.

Recording times are usually set for these times below unless there is an emergency or an unscheduled event occurs. These times at the moment are:


Times Available to record:
Monday 7:15am to 7:40am 
Tuesday 7:15am to 7:40am and 8:00am to 8:45am
Thursday Club Meeting Mornings/can schedule a recording 7:15am to 7:40am  and 8:00am to 8:45am
Friday 7:20am to 7:45am
Saturday, must be pre-arranged. Must notify Mr. Mooney two days prior at and let him know the Saturday you wish to record your skit. All cast members need to try and perform at least do one rehearsal before the day of the recording. 
Students do need to set up times with school teachers or principals beforehand and let Mr. Mooney know when the camera is needed.

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